

The following free and open resource is compiled from various sources: our own Whittier College faculty, faculty recipients of DigLibArts teaching grants, and peers at institutions elsewhere. Inspired by Open Source and Creative Commons movements, we have gathered a range of materials to foster a learning community of scholar-educators invested in collaboration and sharing to improve each others’ work. The materials represented here include a range of materials including innovative modes of integrating digital technologies into courses and assignments to alternative ways to encourage student engagement in class. We have included syllabi, assignment prompts, sample student work (shared with permission or licensed with Creative Commons licensing), and links to suggested websites, communities, and readings. As part of the award regulations, which is also a precondition of our Mellon grant, all materials are made freely open and are free for others to borrow, share, modify (please see our CC licensing terms below). Other materials are made shareable by the original authors. In using these materials, we ask that youattribute the original authors. For more information on citing syllabi, examples of syllabi or course sites from colleagues elsewhere, and ideas for innovative assignments or grading rubrics, check out the DigLibArts Zotero Library.

This resource is continually growing and expanding. New faculty work will be added each semester, and we invite contributions and suggestions.
